MINUTES 1950-59
The Annual General Parish Meeting was held, after due notice, in the Parish Hall on Tuesday 14 March 1950 at 7.30pm.
On the proposition of Mr JR Soans, seconded by Mr N Mobbs, Mr Rowlatt was re-elected to the Chair, he stated he felt it would be better for the village if a younger man took his place, but with Mr Soans consenting to act as Vice Chairman, on the proposition of Mr R Mobbs, seconded by Mr PG Howes, Mr Rowlatt took the Chair and thanked the meeting for the honour.
Allotment Committee
Mr N Mobbs
Mr Soans
Mr Howes
Mr R Mobbs
Mr Howes
Mr N Mobbs
Mr Soans
Mr Howes
Mr N Mobbs
Mr Howes
Mr R Mobbs
Gas Inspectors
Mr N Mobbs proposed and the Chairman seconded that the Gas Inspectors be re-elected with Mr Soans taking the place of Mr W Victor-Cross. Carried
Other Business
Mr Soans proposed and Mr T Rowlatt seconded that the Chairman be authorised to issue precept on the Rating Authority. Carried.
On the proposition of Mr Soans, the Chairman was instructed to write to the Clerk of Brixworth RDC again drawing his attention to the very pressing need of a cemetery at Hannington. Mr R Mobbs seconded. Carried.
The Chairman read a letter from the Clerk to the BRDC stating the Lord Mayor of London had asked the Vice Chairman of BRDC to co-operate in an Appeal for a National Thanksgiving Fund and he commended the Appeal to this parish. On the proposition of Mr N Mobbs seconded by Mrs Rowlatt it was left to the Chairman to canvas the village when the Appeal had had more publicity. Carried.
Mr Austin proposed, Mr R mobs seconded that the very generous offer of Mr JR Soans to provide a public notice board for the village be accepted. The Chairman to write to the County Surveyor for permission to erect same as soon as he received specifications.
A Parish Meeting was held, in the Village Hall on Tuesday 26 September 1950 at 7.30pm, after due notice, the Chairman presiding.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.
Arising from the minutes the Chairman stated the first step towards a cemetery would be to elect a committee, after a discussion he was asked to specifically state this business on the agenda of the next Parish Meeting. The following gentlemen were elected to serve on the Committee for the survey of public rights of way. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Messrs CL Page, N Mobbs, R Mobbs and PG Howes.
The Annual General Parish Meeting was held, after due notice, in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm on April 1951, Mr T Rowlatt in the Chair.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed. Arising from the minutes, the Chairman was asked by Mr Soans if an acknowledgement had been received for the Survey of Rights of Way. The Chairman replied that a formal acknowledgement had been received, but without any thanks for the considerable trouble which had been taken to compile the report.
The Chairman then vacated the Chair and on the proposal of Mr Soans, seconded by Mr N Mobbs, he was invited to serve again. He at first declined but was eventually persuaded and was duly re-elected.
Parish Accounts
The Chairman explained that it was no longer necessary to submit the parish Accounts for audit by BRDC, as long as expenses concerned with the Lighting and Watching Act were the only ones concerned. He submitted the accounts to the inspection of the meeting, stating that the last bill from the Gas Company had not been received in time to obtain a precept for payment within the current financial year. On the proposition of Mr Soans, seconded by Mr PG Howes, the accounts were certified as correct and duly signed.
Signatory for Cheques
The Chairman stated that it was necessary to have a third signatory for parish cheques and on a proposition from the Chair, seconded by Mr N Mobbs, Mr Soans was authorised to sign.
Vice Chairman
The election of Mr Soans as Vice Chairman was proposed from the Chair and seconded by Mr P Howes. This was carried unanimously.
Allotment Committee/ Gas Inspectors
It was proposed by Mr P Howes and seconded by Mr F Bamford that the serving members of the Allotment Committee be re-elected. Mr N Mobbs, seconded by Mr W Austin proposed the re-election of the serving Gas Inspectors –both motions were carried.
The officers re-elected were as follows:
Allotment Committee – Mr N Mobbs, Mr R Mobbs, Mr Soans, Mr Howes.
Gas Inspectors – Mr T Rowlatt, Mr C Page, Mr W Page, Mr F Talbot, Mr Addison, Mr Soans.
In a propostion by Mr Soans, seconded by Mr Bamford, the Chairman was authorised to issue precepts for the Parish upon Brixworth RDC.
Other Business
The Chairman explained that the churchyard was full and a new burial ground would be necessary in the near future. He said that the Ministry of Health would allow the further use of graves for burial if no tombstone had been erected on a grave over 40 years old. A lengthy discussion took place, in which various previous attempts to settle the question were reviewed, the Chairman stating that after local opposition to the plan to use land near School Lane, had eventually been turned down by the Ministry of Health. Mr Soans proposed that a committee be formed to enquire into the cost and legal aspects concerned and to report their findings to the Meeting. This was seconded by Mr R Mobbs and carried. The Chairman and Vice Chairman were to act as ex-officio members and the following additional members were elected:
Mr R Brown
Mr Bamford
Mr Howes
Mr F Bamford
Mr Austin
Mr N Mobbs
Mr R Mobbs
Mr Howes
Mr Soans
The Chairman reported that the land for the erection of the parish notice board had been given by Miss Smith. The site, outside the church porch, had to be cleared by voluntary help. It was decided to fix a date when it would be convenient to most helpers to attend. The meeting expressed its’ thanks to Mr Austin for the use of his door for notices.
Mr Howes proposed that the attention of the Meeting be drawn to the state of the allotment on the Holcot Road. Mr Austin said that the land was difficult to work, but he hoped to use some of it during the coming season. The Chairman said that if any allotment holder paid his rent on demand, it was not possible to make him give it up. The motion was not voted upon.
Mr Soans asked the Meeting to consider its’ attitude to the Festival of Britain Celebrations. After an open discussion, he suggested that the Parochial Church Council might call a village meeting to discuss the matter in detail.
There being no other business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.55pm.
The Annual General Parish Meeting was held, after due notice, in the Village Hall, at 7.30pm on Tuesday 1 April 1952, with Mr T Rowlatt in the Chair.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and duly signed.
The Chairman then vacated the Chair and on the proposal of Mr Soans, seconded by Mr Mobbs, he was invited to stand again. He at first declined, stating that a younger man would probably be more beneficial and proposed Mr Soans as Chairman. A vote was taken and Mr Rowlatt was re-elected for the ensuing year. Mr Rowlatt proposed, Mr Mobbs seconded that Mr Soans be re-elected Vice Chairman. Carried.
Gas Inspectors
Mr R Mobbs proposed, Mr P Howes seconded that the same Gas Inspectors stand as before with Mr Bamford in the place of Mr Addison who had left the village. Carried.
Mr Mobbs proposed, Mr Soans seconded, that the Chairman be given authority to issue precepts. Carried.
Allotment Committee
Mr R Brown proposed, Mr A Barritt seconded that the same Allotment Committee be re-elected. Rents were taken prior to the Meeting. Carried.
Financial Accounts
The Chairman read the financial accounts which were passed as correct and duly signed.
Burial Ground
Mr N Mobbs proposed, Mr C Page seconded that the same officers be re-elected. Carried. The Chairman then read a letter from Mr Stewart, Clerk to Brixworth RDC stating the procedure to be taken for a burial ground. A long discussion then took place and it was decided to ask Mr Russell, the Surveyor to the Brixworth RDC to meet the Committee on Tuesday 7 April to survey and enquire about the three cornered piece of land situated on the Holcot Road.
Festival of Britain
A fete was held in the grounds of Hannington House by kind permission of Mr Soans at which sufficient money was realised to install electric lighting in the Church.
There being no other business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed.
The Annual General Parish Meeting was held, in the Village Hall, on Tuesday 5 May 1953 at 8pm.
Mr Soans, the Vice Chairman, took the Chair in the absence of the Chairman.
The only matter arising out of the minutes was the question of the burial ground. The matter being left over as there was still room in the Churchyard.
Gas Inspectors/Precept
Mr N Mobbs proposed, Mr P Howes seconded that the same be re-elected and that the Chairman be authorised to issue precept. Carried.
Mr Soans proposed, Mr Bamford seconded that Mr T Rowlatt be Chairman. Carried.
Vice Chairman
Mr Bamford proposed, Mr Mobbs seconded that Mr Soans be Vice Chairman. Carried
Allotment Committee
Mr N Mobbs proposed, Mr P Howes seconded that the same Committee stand with the exception of R Mobbs who had left the village. Carried.
Financial Statement
The financial statement was presented, passed as correct and duly signed.
Burial Committee
It was proposed by Mr Soans and seconded by Mr Bamford that Mr N Mobbs be elected on the Burial Committee in place of R Mobbs. Carried.
Other Business
Mr Soans regretted he had not yet erected the notice board but kindly promised to do so at an early date.
The Annual General Parish Meeting was held, in the Village Hall, on Thursday 1 April 1954 at 8pm.
Mr T Rowlatt took the Chair and minutes of the last meeting were read, passed and duly signed. Arising from the minutes – a vote of thanks was passed to Mr Soans for the erection of the public notice board . Mr Rowlatt then vacated the Chair.
Mr Bamford proposed, seconded by Mr N Mobbs that Mr T Rowlatt again act as Chairman for the ensuing year. Carried.
Vice Chairman
Mr N Mobbs proposed, Mrs Bamford seconded that Mr Soans be re-elected Vice Chairman. Carried
Gas Inspectors
Mr Soans proposed, Mrs Bamford seconded that the same Gas Inspectors be re-elected on the ensuing year. Carried.
Allotment Committee
Mr N Mobbs proposed, Mrs Bamford seconded that the same be re-elected. Carried.
The Chairman presented the financial accounts, which were passed as correct and duly signed.
Other Business
It was proposed by Mr Soans and seconded by Mr N Mobbs that a letter be sent to the County Council pointing out the very dangerous corner by the churchyard wall and to remind them that this matter was postponed owing to the War. The Secretary was also instructed to mention the danger of overhanging hedges on the Walgrave Road between Mr Knight’s building and the old rubbish dump and also at the bend of the road leading to the Red House just before the entrance to Grange Farm.
The Parish Meeting was held, in the Village Hall, on Monday 19 July 1954.
The Chairman, Mr T Rowlatt took the Chair and minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.
A resolution was passed instructing the Secretary to write to the County Council requesting them to erect name signs at the entrance to the village and also to erect a sign post at the Bridle Road to Hardwick turn owing to the many vehicles taking the wrong road.
Mr N Mobbs proposed, Mr Soans seconded that the Secretary write to Mr Arthur Barritt for his outstanding allotment rent.
A Parish Meeting was held, in the Village Hall, on Tuesday 6 April 1955.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and duly signed. The letter from the County Surveyor appertaining to the Churchyard wall was read and approved without comment. The Chairman then vacated the Chair.
Mr Soans proposed, Mr Bamford seconded that Mr T Rowlatt be re-elected. Carried.
Vice Chairman
Mr Rowlatt proposed, Mr Gates seconded that Mr Soans be re-elected Vice Chairman. Carried
Gas Inspectors
Mr Bamford proposed, Mr N Mobbs seconded that the same be re-elected. Carried.
Allotment Committee
Proposed by Mr Bamford, seconded by Mr N Mobbs that the same be re-elected. Carried.
The accounts were passed and signed as correct.
Other Business
A complaint was made as to the bad state of the road through the village, also to the very dangerous corners. Mr Gates proposed a 30 mile speed limit be imposed or a “Dangerous Corner” sign be erected. The matter was left to the Chairman to deal with.
A Parish Meeting was held, in the Village Hall, on Monday 12 March 1956 at 8pm.
Mr T Rowlatt was in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and duly signed. Mr Rowlatt then vacated the Chair.
Mr Soans proposed, Mr Mobbs seconded that Mr T Rowlatt again act as Chairman for the ensuing year. Carried.
Vice Chairman
Mr Rowlatt proposed, Mr Moore seconded that Mr Soans again act as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. Carried
Gas Inspectors
Mr Soans proposed, Mrs Rowlatt seconded that the following be elected as Gas Inspectors – Mr Rowlatt, Mr Soans, Messrs Howes, Moore, N Mobbs. Carried.
Accounts were presented, found correct and duly signed. Permission was granted for the Chairman to issue a precept for the ensuing year.
Allotment Committee
T Rowlatt proposed, Mr Soans seconded that the following be elected to the Allotment Committee - Mr Rowlatt, Mr Soans, Messrs Howes, Moore, N Mobbs. Carried.
Other Business
A resolution was passed by Mr Howes, seconded by Mr Mobbs that the Chairman ask the Gas Company to erect a lamp in School Lane.
The minutes of the Parish Meeting was held, in the Village Hall, Hannington on Friday 14 March 1958 at 7.30pm.
Minutes of the last meeting held on 20 March 1957 were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising
The Chairman reported that he and Mr Soans had contacted the East Midlands Electricity Board regarding the conversion of the street lighting to electricity. A meeting of Gas Inspectors had been held on Friday 5 July 1957 to discuss this matter. The cost of conversion would be approx £150-0-0 and the saving for the year would only be £1-17-0. After consideration it was unanimously agreed to continue with the gas lighting and the formal agreement had been signed.
The Chairman read a letter from the County Surveyor who agreed that an improvement to the bend out of Hannington on the Walgrave Road needed attention and that recommendation would be made for provision for this in the 1958/59 estimates.
It was reported that suitable repairs had been carried out to the Red House Lane and this was now satisfactory.
The Chairman also reported that the Northampton Head Postmaster had written informing him that the village letter box was scheduled for replacement in the future.
Election of Officers
The Chairman informed the meeting that he felt that he could no longer accept office as Chairman and asked the meeting to accept his resignation. This was accepted and suitable thanks for all his past services as Chairman.
Mr JR Soans was elected Chairman – proposed by Mr T Rowlatt, seconded by Mr N Mobbs.
Mr PR Penn was elected Vice Chairman - proposed by Mr T Rowlatt, seconded by Mr N Mobbs.
Gas Inspectors
They were re-elected as last year.
Allotment Committee
These were re-elected as last year plus the addition of the Vice Chairman Mr PR Penn.
The accounts were presented, found correct and duly signed. Permission was granted for the Chairman and Vice Chairman to issue precepts to the Brixworth RDC.
Other Business
The Chairman was requested to write to the Post Office requesting that the changing of the letter box be urged forward.
The Chairman was also requested to write to the United Counties Omnibus to ask that consideration be given to certain changes in the present timetable and charges for fares.
The minutes of the Parish Meeting was held, in the Village Hall, Hannington on Friday 11 March 1959 at 7.30pm.
Minutes of the last meeting held on 14 March 1958 were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
Apologies were received from Mr N Mobbs
Matters Arising
The Chairman reported that he had contacted the Post Office again during the year regarding the changing of post box and had been informed that the matter was still under consideration.
The Chairman reported that he had contacted the United Counties Bus Co and that certain changes had been made in the timetable, but that fares could not be altered. It was agreed that he new timetable was a distinct improvement.
Election of Officers
Mr JR Soans was re-elected Chairman – proposed by Mr P Penn, seconded by Mr Gates.
Mr P Penn was re-elected Vice Chairman - proposed by Mr P Howes, seconded by Mr T Rowlatt.
Gas Inspectors
These were re-elected as last year.
Allotment Committee
These were re-elected as last year.
The accounts were presented by the Chairman, found correct and duly signed. Permission was granted for the Chairman and Vice Chairman to issue precepts to the Brixworth RDC.
Other Business
The Chairman was requested to write to the County Surveyor asking for a concrete footpath from the road to the telephone kiosk, to ask for the trees on School Lane to be cut back and “Road Flooded” notices to be placed in Hannington when the road to Walgrave is flooded.