
MINUTES 1894-99

A Parish Meeting was held in the school room December 4 1894. Mr WG Smith proposed and Mr WE Harding seconded that Mr Samuel Turner be chairman of the Parish Meeting for the ensuing year and it was carried unanimously.

Present WE Harding, W Smith, William Holt, William Barritt, Robert Tressler, Charles Blundell, Noah Smith, William Smith, Henry Smith, William Gibson, Francis Gray, G England, Alfred Collins, William Collins, Frederick Buswell.

At a meeting duly called on December 31 1894 by William Collins, Noah Smith, Elijah Smith, William Barritt, Frederick Buswell, S Smith for the purpose of deciding whether it is advisable to ask for a Parish Council or not.  It was decided not to apply at present.

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom March 18 1895 to choose Constables for the ensuing year.

The following were chosen:
George Durham, Robert Gunn, GW Smith, Robert Tressler – as qualified to serve.

Present WE Harding, GW Smith, Charles Blundell, Robert Tressler,

The first Annual Meeting was duly called on Monday 8 April 1895 to appoint Overseers and to appoint a committee to hold and manage the Parish property and appoint any other Committee of Management that the Meeting may consider necessary under the new Local Government Act – in consequence of the Rents of the Parish Property not being paid over to the Overseers the meeting was adjourned until 13 April in order to get legal advice.

The adjourned Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on 15 April 1895, and it was proposed by William Gibson and seconded by Richard Turner that Mr Robert Tressler be Overseer and Mrs Gray proposed and Mr Higgs seconded that WE Harding be Overseer and it was carried unanimously.

Noah Smith, Thomas Gray, William Collins, Richard Linnell were proposed as Committee of Management for Parish Property in conjunction with the Overseers and Chairman.  It was proposed by Mr Holt seconded by WE Harding that two and six pence be paid for as necessary expenses incurred by using the schoolroom to be paid to the School Manager.

The half yearly Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on 28 October 1895 it was proposed by WE Harding and seconded by William Gibson that Mr Turner ask the Rural District Council to sanction the appointment of the Overseers to collect the Garden rent belonging to the Parish and it was carried unanimously.

A Special meeting was called by order of the Chairman on 23 December 1895 – to discuss the necessity of paying a collector for collecting the Garden rent belonging to the parish - it was proposed by Dr Coen  and carried unanimously that no other receipt be recognised than that given by the Overseer of the Parish.

At a Meeting held in the Schoolroom on March 19 1896 the Constables list was agreed.  It was proposed by G Wentworth-Smith and G Durham that the Reverend Doctor Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Mr Higgs objected to the legality of the meeting on the grounds that the Notice of the Meeting was not signed by the Chairman.

At a Meeting held in the Schoolroom on 27 March 1896 – it was proposed by G Wentworth-Smth and seconded by Mr Tressler that the Reverend Doctor Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried unanimously.  It was proposed by Mr Harding seconded by Mr G Wentworth-Smith that the number of Overseers be four.  An amendment was proposed by Mr Higgs, seconded Mr Holland that the number be three.  This was lost on a division of 11 to 6.  The original motion was then put and was carried.

The following names were then proposed as Overseers:
Mr Tressler by Mr Holt and Mr Higgs
Mr James Higgs by Mr Holt and Mr Linnell
Mr Wentworth-Smith by Mr Noah Smith and Mr Holt
Mr Harding by Harvey Smith and J Gray
Mr Judkins by Mr Harding by Stephen Such
Mr Ravens by Mr Harding and William Such
Mr Durham by Mr Higgs and Mr Tressler

Mr G Wentworth-Smith received 11, Mr Ravens 10, Messrs Harding, Higgs and Judkins 9 each, Mr Durham 7 and Mr Tressler 5.  The Chairman then declared Messrs Smith, Ravens, Harding and Judkins elected.  Mr Higgs then demanded a poll

At a Meeting held in the Schoolroom on Friday evening 31 July 1896 at 9pm, the Reverend Doctor Coen in the Chair – the question of the Parish Meeting hiring land for the purpose of the labourers’ allotments was brought before the Meeting. 

It was proposed by George England and seconded by Francis Gray that the Parish Meeting should hire land for allotments – carried unanimously.  The following were proposed and seconded as Members of the Committee to manage the letting of allotments – Mr Harding, the Reverend Doctor Coen, William Collins, Noah Smith and William Gibson and on a show of hands were duly elected.

At a Meeting held in the Schoolroom on Thursday evening 22 October 1896 at 7pm, the Reverend Doctor Coen in the Chair – the lease between Mrs Theodosia Badcock and the Meeting whereby they agree to rent Tomalin’s Close at the annual rent of £13-10-0 was signed by the Chairman and Messrs Harding and William Collins, two members of the Committee on Allotments. 

At a Meeting held in the Schoolroom on Monday evening 22 March 1897 at 7pm, the Reverend Doctor Coen in the Chair – the accounts of the Parish Meeting were produced. 

Proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Turner that the Reverend Doctor Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.

The list of persons liable and qualified to serve as Constables was then made out.

Proposed by Mr Turner and seconded by Mr Higgs that the number of Overseers be three instead of four – carried. Mr G Wentworth-Smith proposed by Mr Turner, seconded by William Collins.  Mr Harding proposed by Noah Smith, seconded by Francis Gray.  Mr Judkins proposed by William Gibson, seconded by Stephen Smith – there being no opposition these were declared.

It was proposed by Mr Wentworth-Smith, seconded by William Collins that the Chairman should communicate with Mr Frank Thornton respecting the spring adjoining the allotments. 

At a Meeting held in the Schoolroom on Wednesday evening 18 August 1897 at 8pm, after due notice , for the purpose of taking into consideration  the cleaning out and fencing of the spring adjoining Tomalin’s Close.  The Reverend J Coen DD, Chairman in the Chair.

The Chairman read the correspondence that took place between himself and Mr Thornton covering the spring – copies of the letters are appended to these minutes. 

Mr Harding proposed and Francis Gray seconded that the spring should be cleaned out and fenced at the expense of the Parish.  Amendment proposed by Mr Higgs, seconded by Mr Turner that the words “ and fenced” be omitted.  The amendment was carried by 7 to 2.  The original proposition with the words “and fenced” omitted was then put and carried by 7 to 0.

Mr Wentworth-Smith proposed that a Committee of five should be appointed to report to the Meeting the probable expense etc of the work.  Seconded by Mr Harding and carried unanimously.  The following were appointed as the Committee – The Rev J Coen, Mr Higgs, Mr Turner, Mr Harding, Mr Wentworth-Smith.

Copy letter
Hannington Rectory, Northampton 12 -5-97
Dear Mr Thornton
…………………At our annual Parish Meeting it was proposed to clean out the roadside spring on the road between Mr Harding’s and the Red House and also to fence it.  It is a good spring and very useful in dry summers but at present in a shocking and even dangerous condition, being a regular quagmire.  It was, however, the opinion of those present, that you as Lord of the Manor, have aright to object to this spring being fenced, on the ground, I take it, that you might hereafter be held responsible for the good condition of the fence.  I was asked to write to you and you claim manorial rights over this spring, and if so, if you will give your permission for the work to be done.  Yours faithfully

Copy letter
Daventry, May 15 1897
Dear Mr Coen
As Lord of the Manor of Hannington I have certain rights in useful of the spring you mention, and more particularly am the owner of certain trees in the Parish – but I do not wish to cut the trees down, because they are a public benefit.  However, I have no objection to the spring being cleaned out and fenced if the Parish like to do it and if it is thought desirable I will have the ash tree overhanging it cut down – thought I am trying to get a few trees to grow along that road rather than cutting anything down.  I am sorry to say that one or two have been wantonly destroyed and other have died.  Yours truly FH Thornton

At a meeting held in the Schoolroom on Thursday evening 26 August 1897 at 8pm, after due notice, for the purpose of receiving the report of the Committee as appointed at the last meeting.

There being no proposition before the meeting, the Chairman declared the meeting closed there seeming that no two agreed on any feasible plan required.

At the Annual Meeting held in the Schoolroom on Friday evening 18 March 1898 at 7pm, after due notice. The Reverend Doctor Coen in the Chair.

The Chairman laid before the meeting the various reports etc received by him during the year.  Referring to the order of 20 January 1898 to place the parish award in a fire proof safe, it was decided that a fire proof safe should be purchased.

It was proposed by Mr Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Turner that the Allotments Committee be re-elected – carried.   

The Rector, the Reverend Doctor Coen was unanimously re-elected to be Chairman.

The names of G Wentworth-Smith, WE Harding, W Gibson and W Collins were sent in as Constables.

Mr Wentworth-Smith, Mr Harding and Mr Higgs were elected as Overseers.  Mr Judkins was proposed and seconded but had not as many votes as the others.

At the Annual Meeting held in the Schoolroom on Saturday 18 March 1899 at 7.30pm, after due notice. The Reverend J Creagh Coen DD in the Chair.

The names of George Wentworth-Smith, William Elson Harding, William Gibson and William Collins were sent in as Constables.

Proposed by Mr Turner, seconded by Mr William Collins, that Mr George Wentworth-Smith be Overseer, that Mr Higgs be Overseer, proposed by Mr Durham, seconded by Mr Gibson.  Carried 5 to 1.

Proposed by Mr Smith, seconded by Mr Turner that Mr Harding be Overseer.  Carried 6 to 5.

The Chairman mentioned that he had seen a safe at Robinsons on Kettering and it was agreed that he should write and ask his lowest price.

Mr Wentworth-Smith proposed, Mr Harding seconded that the Chairman write to the Chairman of the District Council complaining of the work done by them in connection with the drain from Mr Tressler’s house- carried.

Proposed by Mr Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Turner the Reverend Doctor Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.

The same Allotments Committee with the replacement of W Collins by Mr Stephen Smith were elected

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