
MINUTES 1930-39

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Friday 7 February 1930 at 7pm after due notice.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

The Chairman explained to a very large meeting the urgent need of preventing refuse from Walgrave being dumped on Hannington Parish land viz the Stone Pit on the Walgrave Road.  After a discussion the Secretary was asked to send the following resolution, proposed by Mr Priestley, seconded by Mr Noah Smith and carried unanimously to Mr HE Kingston, Clerk to Brixworth RDC – that the dumping of refuse from Walgrave into the Stone Pit was to cease at once and that already dumped be removed and left in a proper manner.

Another discussion followed re felling tree in Gravel Pit without the knowledge or permission of the Allotment Committee.  W Harley claimed 7/- compensation for damage done to his land and crops by felling the tree, and E Collins claimed 5/-

Mr AV Hemp proposed and Mr Noah Smith seconded that the Secretary write to the Clerk of Brixworth RDC informing him of the damage done and claims same, which ought to be settled.  Carried unanimously.

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Monday 17 March 1930 at 7pm after due notice.

Mr GW Smith proposed the Rector be Chairman again.  Mr C Smith seconded. Carried.

The Chairman proposed Mr T Rowlatt be againSecretary.  Mr G Priestley seconded.  Carried.

The Chairman proposed the following names be sent in:- Mr C Smith, Mr LC Page and Mr F Beasley.  Mr GW Smith seconded.  Carried

Allotment Committee
Mr GW Smith proposed the same Committee be re-elected.  Mr R Kitchen seconded.  Carried.
Mr GW Smith proposed Mr F Beasley be also elected to the Allotment Committee, Mr Priestley seconded.  Carried.

Mr Priestley proposed the Secretary be instructed to write to Northampton Gas Company and ask them to bring gas to Hannington.  W Austin seconded.  Carried.

Mr GW Smith proposed the Secretary be instructed to write to the Northampton Electric Company and ask them to bring electric supply to Hannington.  Mr Priestley seconded.  Carried.

A Parish Meeting was held, after due notice on Monday 7 April 1930 at 7.30pm in the Schoolroom.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed, also letters from the Northampton Gas Company and the Northampton Electric Light & Power Company.

The Secretary was instructed to write to the Gas Company and inform them there were twelve probable consumers of gas in Hannington.

Mr LC Page proposed (3)three street lamps be erected in Hannington, the Secretary seconded.  Mr GW Smith moved an amendment that no street lamps be erected, which did not find a seconder, the proposition was carried by 14 votes to 1.

Mr C Smith proposed and Mr F Jones seconded that the Secretary write to Mr F Beasley and ask him to keep his poultry from doing damage in the allotments.  Carried.

Mr LC Page proposed that the Secretary send a protest duly signed by 10 ratepayers to the Education Authorities against sending Hannington Senior children to Broughton School instead of Walgrave.  Carried.

After a long and heated discussion Mr GW Smith promised to discuss the question of Hannington Parish Meeting’s expenses with Mr HE Kingston, Clerk to Brixworth RDC.


A Parish Meeting was held, after due notice on Monday 26 May 1930 in the Schoolroom to receive report from Mr JL Holland, Secretary of Education re Hannington Children and Broughton School, also to discuss enlarging the Church Yard.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

The Secretary read a letter from Mr Holland offering to come to Hannington and explain the situation of Broughton School to the Parishioners.  Mr GW Smith, the Secretary was instructed to write and ask Mr Holland and fix a time and date to come out to Hannington.

Mr GW Smith offered to give the land to enlarge the Church Yard.  The Secretary proposed the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite and Mr GW Smith lay his (Mr Smith’s) offer before the Arch Deacon, Mr LC Page seconded.  Carried

A Parish Meeting was held, after due notice, in the Schoolroom on Monday 16 June 1930 to receive a proposition submitted to the Allotment Committee by a Committee from Walgrave Council that Hannington Parish Meeting allow Walgrave Council to tip their rubbish on Hannington Parish land.  Mr NG Smith proposed the proposition from Walgrave Council be not acceded.  Mr Priestley seconded.  Carried.

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom, after due notice on Thursday 23 October 1930 at 7pm to consider ways and means of repairing the Allotment fences and gates.  Mr LC Page proposed the Secretary write to Mr Kingston asking him for an appointment to discuss Parish expenses, Mr NG Smith seconded.   Carried.

Mr N Mobbs proposed Mr LC Page accompany the Secretary in his interview with Mr Kingston.  Mr F Beasley seconded.  Carried.

Mr R Kitchen proposed the Secretary to write to Brixworth RDC and ask them to erect houses in Hannington, Mr F York seconded.  Carried.

Mr F York proposed the Secretary be instructed to write to Northampton Gas Light Company asking them if there is any possibility of their extending the mains to Hannington.  Mr J Brown seconded.  Carried.

A Parish Meeting was held, in the Schoolroom on Monday 11 May 1931 at 8pm.

The Rector – the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite was in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read, passed and duly signed.

A letter was read from Mr Kingston asking for a copy of the resolution passed at the previous meeting re the handing over of the Rent Books of Hannington Parish Lands, and stating that upon the receipt of the same duly signed by the Chairman and Clerk the books would be handed over in due course.

The Secretary then gave a brief account of her interview with Mr Banks of the Northampton Gas Company.  A contract period of 10 years for street lighting and a minimum of three lamps would be required.

The Secretary stated that the Ministry of Health would need to be approached for power to adopt the Lighting and Watching Act.  An approx cost of £10-10-0pa for three street lights would cause 10d rate approx and unfortunately the parish was only empowered to levy 6d rate.

A discussion followed, where upon Mr T Rowlatt proposed, and Mr GW Priestley seconded that the question of street lighting by gas in Hannington be dropped for the time being.

The Secretary expressed grateful thanks to Mr Norton of Walgrave and to Mr Stalley – Rating Officer for valuable information given re the above.

Mrs Priestley called attention to the dumping of refuse at the eastern end of the village.  The case of refuse dumping by Walgrave residents in Hannington Stone Pit again came up for discussion and upon the proposition of the Rector, seconded by Mr Austin the Secretary was instructed to report matters to Mr Kingston asking that immediate attention be given to prevent continuance of same.

A Parish Meeting was held, in the Schoolroom on Monday 8 June 1931 at 8pm.

In the absence of the Chairman– the Rev’d Thistlewaite, Mr T Rowlatt was elected to the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read, passed and duly signed.

The Secretary put forward a proposal by Mr Banks of the Northampton Gas Company for two street lamps.  A letter from Mr Stalley was read, wherein he stated that the 6d rate would yield £6 approx.  If the Street Lighting and Watching Act was adopted there would be other incidental expenses – audit stamp, account books, financial statements etc.  A discussion followed.  Mr C Smith proposed, Mr G England seconded – carried, that no street lamps be erected.

Upon the resignation of Mrs Priestley, Mr Wm Austin, Mr C Smith seconded – carried that Mr T Rowlatt again take office as Secretary.

A vote of thanks to Mrs Priestley was proposed by Mrs Kitchen, seconded by Mr T Rowlatt.

The next paragraph was then deleted by order of the Parish Meeting held 12 October 1931

“Mrs Priestley suitably replied, stating that though her term of office had been short it had been a busy and strenuous one, since she had experienced considerable difficulty in obtaining the Chairman’s sanction for Parish Meetings.”

A Parish Meeting was held, in the Schoolroom on Monday 12 October 1931 at 7.30pm, after due notice.

Mr T Rowlatt proposed the late Secretary’s remark in her reply to the vote of thanks as stated in the minutes of the last meeting be deleted as incorrect.  Mr GW Smith seconded – carried unanimously. The minutes of the last meeting were then passed and duly signed.

A long discussion then followed re fence in front of the two council houses.  Mr F York proposed that the attention of BRDC be drawn to the fact that the contractor pulled down the wall in front of the two council houses and erected a very flimsy fence in its place which in the opinion of the Parish Meeting is an eye sore to the village and that Mr GW Smith be requested to make a full report to BRDC on the matter.  The Rev’d CW Thistlewaite seconded – carried.

Mr T Rowlatt proposed, Mr GW Smith ask the Surveyor to erect a notice board on parish land on the Walgrave Road to the effect that no rubbish be tipped there.  The Rev’d CW Thistlewaite seconded – carried.

The Secretary was instructed to write and inform Mrs Badcock of the change of Secretary.  An apology was received from Mr LC Page for non attendance.

A Parish Meeting was held after due notice in the Schoolroom on Thursday 17 March 1932 at 7.30pm.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

Mr E Collins occupied the Chair during the election of a Chairman for the ensuing year.  Mr C Smith proposed Mr GW Smith, the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite seconded.  Mr T Rowlatt proposed the Rector, Mr E Collins seconded.  Upon being put to the meeting 18 votes were cast for Mr GW Smith and 9 for the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite.  On taking the Chair Mr GW Smith thanked the meeting for electing him their Chairman.

The Rev. CW Thistlewaite proposed Mr T Rowlatt, Mr E Collins seconded.  Carried.

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr F Beasley Mr W Austin Mrs Kitchen
Mr C Smith The Rev CW Thistlewaite Mr E Collins
Mr PG Howes Mr SG Mabbutt Mr C Smith

Allotment Committee
Name Proposed Seconded
Mr C Smith Mr A Barritt Mr RE Barritt
Mrs Kitchen Mr F Beasley Mr T Rowlatt
Mr WJ Barritt Mr C Smith Mr F Gray
Mr F Gray Mr A Barritt Mr C Smith
Mr PG Howes Mr RE Barritt Mr SG Mabbutt
Mr E Collins Mr T Rowlatt Mr W Austin
Mr W Austin Mr F Beasley Mr E Collins
Mr A Barritt Mr C Smith Mr G England
Rev CW Thistlewaite proposed all the above gentlemen be elected member of the Allotment Committee.  Mr E Collins seconded – carried.

Other Business
The Chairman proposed a Parish Notice Board be erected on his property by the Church yard gate.  Mr F Beasley seconded.  Carried

The Secretary was instructed to receive tenders and put the work in hand.  The Rev CW Thistlewaite proposed that the notice board be paid for from Rents of Parish Lands.  Mr WJ Barritt seconded.  Carried.

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Thursday 2 March 1933 at 7.30pm.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

The Rev CW Thistlewaite proposed Mr GW Smith to be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Mr J Barritt seconded.  Carried.

Mr A Barritt proposed Mr T Rowlatt be Secretary for the ensuing year.  Mr F Gray seconded.  Carried.

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr C Smith The Rev CW Thistlewaite Mr A BArritt
Mr PG Howes Mr R Barritt Mr Robinson
Mr A Barritt Mr F Gray Mr GW Smith

Allotment Committee
The Rev Thistlewaite proposed only five members be elected to the Allotment Committee for the ensuing year.  Mr E Collins seconded.  Carried.
Name Proposed Seconded
Mr E Collins Mr P Howes Rector
F Gray The Rector Mr A Barritt
Mr C Smith Mr R Barritt Rector
J Barritt The Rector Mr F Gray
Mr PG Howes Mr F Gray Rector

Other Business
The Secretary presented accounts of last year and were passed as correct.  The Secretary was also instructed to ask Mr Kingston to collect arrears of rent owing by B Wills.  A letter was read by the Secretary from Mr A Brewer, Surveyor to the BRDC asking the Hannington Parish Meeting to allow the BRDC to use the rubbish tip on Hannington Parish Land.  After a long discussion the Secretary drew up the following resolution – The Hannington Parish Meeting to allow the BRDC to use the tip on Hannington Parish Land.  The BRDC to tip the rubbish in a proper and sanitary manner and cover up the same with soil making the “tip” pit for garden ground.  The BRDC to pay HPM an acknowledgement annually for the privilege.  Mr Robinson proposed the resolution be put to the meeting.  The Chairman seconded.  The resolution was defeated four votes for and six against.

Mr Robinson proposed the Secretary be instructed to write to the Traffic Commissioners asking for a mid-day bus to run through Hannington from Northampton.  Mr E Collins seconded.  Carried.  

A Parish Meeting was held, in the Schoolroom on Thursday 13 April 1933 at 7.30pm. to receive the Allotment Committee’s report on Tomblins Close.

An apology was received from Mr GW Smith for his absence due to ill health.  Mr LO Page proposed the Secretary take the Chair.  Mr E Collins seconded.  Carried.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

The Chairman reported that a letter had been received from Mr F Beasley stating he wished to give up all the land held by him at Tomblins Close on 25 September 1933.  The Chairman pointed out Mr Beasley’s letter was not received until 4 April 1933 and 12 month’s notice from 29 September 1933 would have to be given by the Parish Meeting to Mrs Badcock and as there were no applications for the land the Allotment Committee advised the Parish Meeting to instruct the Secretary to write to Mr Beasley informing him he would be expected to hold the land until 29 September 1934.  J Barritt proposed.  P Howes seconded that the Secretary be instructed to write to Mr Beasley to that effect.  Carried.

Mr GW Smith presided over a Parish Meeting held, in the Schoolroom on 16 May 1933 at 7.30pm to consider extension of Church yard or cemetery.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

The Chairman asked the Secretary to explain position of Churchyard extension.  He pointed out to the meeting that the Rector and Church Wardens were only willing to an extension on the condition that all rate payers would agree to paying the voluntary rate.  He also reminded the meeting that a cemetery would be a big expense to the rate payer as 1d rate only produced roughly £60 and to his mind much the better way to extend the Churchyard and all rate payers pay a voluntary rate towards expenses.  After a long discussion and the Secretary answering many questions, Mr A Barritt proposed two parishioners canvas the village re voluntary rate towards Church yard extension.  Mr Robinson seconded.  Carried.  Mr Robinson proposed A Barritt, E Collins seconded.  Carried.  The Chairman proposed the Secretary, A Barritt seconded.  Carried.

Mr E Collins asked the Chairman who gave C Barritt of Walgrave permission to garden the ground let by the Allotment Committee to R Kitchen.  The Secretary informed him that he was responsible and explained that as Mr Kitchen had left the village and intended to leave the ground dormant he told Mr C Barritt he might cultivate it.  Mr Collins said he thought the Secretary had exceeded his position as a meeting of the Allotment Committee should have been called.   Mr Robinson thought the Secretary had done quite right as it was unnecessary  to call a meeting for so trivial a matter but Mr Collins thought it was unfair to let Hannington Parish Land to anyone out of the parish as he would have cultivated it himself had he known.  The Secretary expressed regret and assured Mr Collins that in future a meeting of the Allotment Committee would be held.  The meeting thought the Secretary had taken a wise and proper action in the matter when placed in such as situation and they were sure he always would when unforeseen circumstances arose.

A Parish Meeting was held, in the Schoolroom on 26 September 1933 at 7.30pm, after due notice.

The Chairman Mr GW Smith presided.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

The Secretary explained the position re Tomblins Close, he said the Allotment Committee and come to an agreement with Mr Walter Page for him to take over the land for 12 months, pay no rent and claim no dilapidations.  The Committee to cut half the hedge between Tomblins Close and the land owned by Mr LO Page which Mr P Howes had offered to cut for wood.  Mr W Page had signed an agreement to that effect.  After a discussion it was resolved to instruct the Secretary to send a notice to quit to Mr LO Page for the land he occupied in Tomblins Close and also to send a notice to the landlady, Mrs Badcock, giving up the land at Michaelmas 1934. 

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Thursday 8 March 1934.

Mr J Barritt proposed Mr GW Smith be Chairman.  Mr F Gray seconded.  Carried.

The Chairman proposed Mr T Rowlatt be Secretary.  Mr N Mobbs seconded.  Carried.

The Chairman proposed the same names as last year be entered on the Constables list.  Mr N Mobbs seconded.  Carried

Allotment Committee
Mr N Mobbs proposed the same Allotment Committee be re-elected.  Mr RE Barritt seconded.  Carried

Other Business
Mr F Gray proposed the allotment gate be mended.  After a discussion the Chairman proposed the matter be left in the hands of the Allotment Committee.  Mr A Robinson seconded.  Carried.

The Secretary read a letter from the Surveyor asking for details of all footpaths, bridle roads etc in the parish.  The Chairman proposed the Secretary be instructed to ask the Surveyor to fix a date to meet the Secretary to assist him in the matter. 

A Special Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Monday 2 July 1934.

Mr GW Smith was in the Chair.

Mr A Brewer, surveyor to the Brixworth RDC attended and explained the meeting had been called by order of the Water Emergency Committee appointed by the Ministry of Health to hear evidence re shortage of water.  Mr F Beasley told the meeting he and four other families had to fetch their water from the Spring Pond.  After a discussion the Secretary was instructed to inform Mr Brewer immediately there was a serious shortage of water and it was agreed if that emergency arose a water tank should be sent to Hannington on a special rate.  On the proposition of the Chairman, seconded by Mr F Beasley and carried unanimously, the Secretary was instructed to reply to the Water Emergency Committee and explain that there was no serious shortage of water at the moment. 

The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Thursday 7 March 1935.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

The Rector proposed Mr GW Smith to be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Mr C Smith seconded.  Carried.

The Chairman proposed Mr T Rowlatt be Secretary for the ensuing year.  The Rector seconded.  Carried.

The Secretary proposed the same three names be sent in as Constables viz Messrs C Smith, P Howes, A Barritt.  The Chairman seconded.  Carried

Allotment Committee
Mr W Austin proposed the Allotment Committee be elected individually.  Mr A Robinson seconded. Carried
Name Proposed Seconded
Mr F Gray Mr A Barritt Chairman
Mr F Harley Mr A Barritt Mr P Howes
Mr H Faulkner Mr Austin Mr A Robinson
Mr P Howes The Rector Mr A Barritt
Mr W Stevens Mr P Howes Mr W Austin

Other Business
The Jubilee Celebrations were mentioned by the Chairman.  The Secretary proposed a further meeting to be called to decide plans for same. The Rector seconded.  Carried.

Mr A Robinson proposed the allotment gate on Red House road be mended.  Mr F Harley seconded.  Carried. 

The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on 9 March 1936.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

Mr C Smith proposed Mr GW Smith to be Chairman for the ensuing year and Mr A Robinson seconded.  Carried.

Mr GW Smith proposed Mr T Rowlatt and Mr C Smith seconded.  Mr T Rowlatt proposed an amendment that Mr CL Page to be secretary nad Mr W Stevens seconded amd on a show of hands Mr CL Page was elected.

Mr T Rowlatt proposed Mr C Smith, Mr HC Smith and Mr A Robinson.  Mr N Mobbs seconded.  Carried

Mr A Robinson proposed a fee of 10/- for the Constables, Mr T Rowlatt seconded.  Carried.

Pitts Allotment
Mr T Rowlatt proposed that the rent should be taken in June.  Mr GC Smith seconded.  Carried.

Allotment Committee
Name Proposed Seconded
Mr W Stevens Mr GW Smith Mr P Howes
Mr H Faulkner Mr GW Smith Mr P Howes
Mr T Rowlatt Mr GW Smith Mr N Mobbs
Mr A Robinson Mr N Mobbs Mr C Smith
Mr HC Smith Mr GW Smith Mr C Smith

Rating Committee
Mr C Smith propsed Mr LC Page and Mr T Rowlatt for the Rating Committee.  Mr N Mobbs seconded.  Carried.

Other Business
Mr GW Smith proposed a vote of thanks to the past Secretary Mr T Rowlatt.  Mr HC Smith seconded.  Carried.

Mr N Mobbs proposed a letter to be sent to Mr Kingston re dump.  Mr P Howes seconded.  Carried.

Mr HC Smith proposed a complaint re dyke.  Mr C Smith seconded.  Carried.

A parish meeting was held in the Schoolroom on 10 July 1936.

To discuss King George V memorial fund but no-one attended.

The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on 15 March 1937 at 7.30pm.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

Chairman and Secretary
It was proposed by Mr T Rowlatt seconded by the Rector that these two offices be undertaken by one person.  Carried.

Mr T Rowlatt proposed that Mr GW Smith be Chairman and Secretary for the ensuing year.  The Rector seconded.  Carried.

Mr T Rowlatt proposed the same names stand as before viz Mr C Smith, Mr HC Smith and Mr A Robinson.  Mr N Mobbs seconded.  Carried

Pits Allotment Committee
Name Proposed Seconded
Mr T Rowlatt Mr F Beasley Rector
Mr W Stevens Mr W Austin Mr Mobbs
Mr HC Smith Mr LC Page Rector
Mr LC Page Mr A Hemp Mr T Rowlatt
Mr W Page Mr T Rowlatt Mr GW Smith

Road Names
It was proposed by Mr P Howes seconded by the Rector that the main road through the village be called High Street. Mr H Page proposed that School Lane be so named.  Mr Austin seconded.  Mr T Rowlatt proposed that Barrack Lane be so named.  The Rector seconded.  Carried.

Air Raid Precautions
Mr T Rowlatt proposed that Mr LC Page and Mr HC Smith undertake training in the use of gas mask equipemt and anti-gas precautions for persons in the parish.  Seconded by Mr GW Smith.  Carried.

The Parish Meeting met on 30 May 1938 in the School.

Present – Messrs LO Page, CL Page, HC Smith, WJ Mobbs, the Rector (in the Chair).

The minutes of the meeting held 7 March 1938 were read, confirmed and signed.

The Rector said that owing to the poor attendance and the importance of the matters to be discussed, he considered that the meeting should be adjourned and he adjourned it till a later date, of which he said due notice would be given.

The Adjourned Meeting of the Parish Meeting was held, in the School on 13 June 1938 at 7.30pm.

Present – Messrs T Rowlatt, LO Page, Norton Mobbs, A Robinson, Walter Page, the Rector (in the Chair).  Apologies for absence were offered by ????, HC Smith and CL Page.

Fire Brigade Services
Reports from the Northampton and Kettering Fire Brigade’s were read and after discussion, Mr T Rowlatt proposed and Mr W Page seconded that owing to local conditions it was advisable to let the matter drop.  Carried.

Hedge in the Red House Road
This hedge was considered a danger to traffic.  A letter was received from Northamptonshire County Council on 2 April 1938 stating that the County Surveyor had asked the owner hedge complained of to have it cut back but up to date this had not been done.  Mr T Rowlatt proposed and Mr LO Page seconded that a letter be sent to Mr Manger stating this case.  Carried.

Air Raid Precautions – the Warden
Mr LO Page proposed and Mr Norton seconded, that Mr T Rowlatt be the Warden for Hannington.  Carried.

Payment of expenses of Chairman and/or Secretary
Mr Rowlatt proposed and Mr A Robinson seconded that the Chairman and/or Secretary be reimbursed for postage and stationery expenses.  Carried.
A Meeting of the Parish Meeting was held at the Rectory on 25 October 1938 at 7pm.

Present – Messrs T Rowlatt, CL Page, Stevens, HC Smith, the Rector in the Chair.

The minutes of the meeting held 13 June 1938 were read, confirmed and signed.

Hedge in the Red House Road
Mr T Rowlatt proposed and Mr CL Page seconded that Mr Manger be again written to re the hedge on the Red House Road.  Carried

Mr Rowpaltt proposed and the Rector seconded that the Surveyor be written to re the narrowness of the Walgrave Road.

The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Rectory on 20 March 1939 at 7.pm.

The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

Mr G Wentworth-Smith proposed and the Rev CW Thistlewaite (Rector – retiring Chairman) seconded that Mr T Rowlatt be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried.

Mr N Mobbs proposed and Mr C Smith seconded that the following names should be sent in – Mr HC Smith, Mr CL Page and Mr W Mobbs.  Carried.

Allotment Committee
The Rector proposed and Mr G Wentworth-Smith seconded that the same Allotment Committee be elected en bloc. Carried.

Any Other Business
The Chairman proposed and Mr HC Smith seconded that the sum of six shillings and 6 pence in hand, held since the Parish Meeting terminated the agreement with Mrs Badcock, go towards the repairs necessary to a gate on the Pits Allotments.  Carried.

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