MINUTES 1940-49
The Annual Parish Meeting was held at the Manor Farm on 4 March 1940 at 7pm.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and duly signed.
The Rev’d CW Thistlewaite proposed Mr T Rowlatt be elected for the ensuing year. Mr Norton Mobbs seconded – carried.
The Rector proposed and Mr W Austin seconded that the following names to be sent in - Mr WG Mobbs, Mr Mr CL Page and Mr HC Smith – carried.
Allotment Committee
The Chairman proposed and the Rector seconded the following gentlemen to serve for the ensuing year. Messrs W Stevens, HC Smith, W Austin, N Mobbs and W Mobbs – carried.
The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the schoolroom on Monday 3 March 1941 at 7.30pm.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and duly signed.
Mr N Mobbs proposed and Mr W Austin seconded that Mr T Rowlatt act again as Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.
Mr W Austin proposed, Mr N Mobbs seconded that the same names to be sent in as last year namely:- Mr W Mobbs, Mr HC Smith and Mr CL Page – carried.
Mr P Howes proposed, Mr J Jones seconded that the same Allotment Committee be elected en bloc – carried.
Other Business
Fire watching against enemy action was discussed. It was decided that the Chief Air Raid Warden should meet the Commander of the Home Guard.
The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the schoolroom on Monday 16 March 1942 at 7.30pm.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and duly signed.
Mr W Austin proposed and Mr N Mobbs seconded that Mr T Rowlatt again act as Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.
Allotment Committee
The Chairman proposed, Mr P Howes seconded that the same Committee be elected en bloc – carried.
Other Business
A discussion took place re the large amount of waste material fit for salvage on the BRDC dump in Hannington Parish. On the proposition of Mr R Kettle seconded by Mr R Brown and carried unanimously, the Chairman was asked to draw the attention of the Clerk to the Council to the matter.
The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the schoolroom on Monday 13 April 1943 at 7.30pm.
On the proposition of Mr N Mobbs, seconded by Mr W Austin the minutes of the last meeting were passed and signed by the Chairman.
Mr F Talbot proposed and Mr N Mobbs seconded that Mr T Rowlatt again act as Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.
Allotment Committee
Mr W Austin proposed the same Allotment Committee be elected with the exception of Mr F Talbot in the place of Mr RC Smith, the Chairman seconded - carried.
Rating Committee Representatives
The Parish Representatives on the Rating Committee of Brixworth RDC were elected as follows:
The Chairman - proposed Mr W Austin seconded Mr N Mobbs
Mr LO Page - The Chairman Mr F Talbot
Other Business
Mr R Kettle proposed the Chairman be asked to draw the attention of Brixworth RDC to the very unsatisfactory way rubbish was being tipped in their dump in Hannington Parish.
The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the schoolroom on Monday 20 March 1944 at 7pm.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
Mr N Mobbs proposed and Mr P Howes seconded that Mr T Rowlatt again act as Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.
Allotment Committee
On the proposition of the Chairman, seconded by Mr E Gibson the Allotment Committee were re-elected viz Messrs N Mobbs, W Stevens, F Talbot, W Austin, W Mobbs and the Chairman of the Parish Meeting.
Rating Committee Representatives
The Parish Representatives on the Rating Committee of Brixworth RDC were elected as follows:
The Chairman - proposed Mr W Mobbs seconded Mr W Austin
Mr LO Page - Mr W Mobbs Mr W Austin
Allotment Rent Day
Mr F Talbot proposed and Mr W Austin seconded that the Allotment Rent Day be altered from 21 December to 29 September and be strictly adhered to. Carried
Other Business
After a discussion it was decided to ask Councillor G Wentworth-Smith to draw attention of Brixworth RDC to the state of the ditch on the Barrick Lane and the Council’s rubbish dump in Hannington Parish.
The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the schoolroom on Monday 19 February 1945 at 7pm.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.
On the proposition of Mr W Austin, seconded by Mr N Mobbs Mr T Rowlatt was elected to the Chairman for the ensuing year.
Allotment Committee
Mr E Gibson proposed the same Allotment Committee were re-elected, Mr P Howes seconded, on Mr F Talbot resigning, Mr R Mobbs proposed the same gentlemen be elected to the Committee with Mr CL Page in the place of Mr Talbot, Mr P Howes seconded – carried.
Rating Committee Representatives
The Parish Representatives on the Rating Committee of Brixworth RDC were elected as follows:
The Chairman - proposed Mr N Mobbs seconded Mr E Gibson
Mr LO Page - Mr N Mobbs Mr E Gibson
Other Business
Mr CL Page raised the question of the possibility of losing the use of the Schoolroom to the Parish. After a discussion Mr W Lewis proposed the Chairman be asked to interview the owner, Mr G Wentworth-Smith re leasing or selling the Schoolroom to the Parish. Mr R Mobbs seconded – carried.
A Parish Meeting was held in the schoolroom on Monday 5 March 1945 at 7pm to receive the Chairman’s report on his interview with the owner of the Schoolroom.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.
The Chairman reported Mr G Wentworth-Smith had promised the Parish Meeting the use of the Schoolroom for all Parish affairs during his life time for which thanks and appreciation were expressed. After a discussion it was decided to elect a Committee of Management for the Schoolroom in view of the minor repairs that would be needed.
Mr L Austin - proposed The Chairman seconded Mr CL Page
Mr N Mobbs - Mr CL Page Mr R Mobbs
Mr CL Page - Mr W Mobbs Mr P Howes
Mr R Mobbs - Mr L Austin Mr N Mobbs
Mr P Howes - Mr R Mobbs Mr W Austin
The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the schoolroom on Monday 18 March 1946 at 7pm. The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.
Use of Schoolroom
The Chairman reported that he had interviewed the owner of the schoolroom to clarify the position since the decease of GW Smith. Mrs Smith had agreed to continue to allow the use of the schoolroom to all parish affairs without charge. A committee of management was to have complete authority over the letting of the rooms. It was agreed that a charge would be made for private functions; the proceeds to be spent on in repairs and decoration.
Mr Rowlatt vacated the Chair, stating that he wished to resign in favour of a younger man. The meeting expressed it’s thanks to Mr Rowlatt for his long service to the parish. Mr R Hemp - proposed Mr C Page, who declined nomination. Mr R Mobbs – proposed Mrs AM Legge, Mr N Mobbs seconded – carried.
Allotment Committee
The Allotment Committee was elected as follows:
Mr L Austin - proposed Mr T Rowlatt seconded Mr R Hemp
Mr N Mobbs - Mr C Page Mr P Howes
Mr R Hemp - Mr N Mobbs Mr C Page
Mr T Rowlatt - Mr R Mobbs Mr W Austin
Mr R Mobbs - Mr L Austin Mr R Hemp
Rating Committee Representatives
The Parish Representatives on the Rating Committee of Brixworth RDC were elected as follows:
Mr N Mobbs - proposed Mr C Page seconded Mr R Hemp
Mr C Page - Mr T Rowlatt Mr R Mobbs
Committee of Management
With reference to the management of the Schoolrooms, it was proposed by Mr T Rowlatt that the Committee be composed of 3 ladies and 3 gentlemen – the Chairman of the Parish Meeting to be an “ex officio” member. Mr P Howes seconded. An amendment proposed by Mr N Mobbs and seconded by Mr R Hemp that the numbers remain at four each, was carried. Mr R Mobbs proposed that the ladies at present serving should be re-elected. This was seconded by Mr N Mobbs and carried. Mr T Rowlatt proposed that Messrs C Page, B MObbs, R Mobbs and W Austin be elected. This was seconded by Mr N Mobbs and carried.
The Committee therefore constituted as follows:
Mrs R Barritt, Mrs R Brown, Miss Wilford and Mrs C Page
Mr C Page, Mr B Mobbs, Mr R Mobbs and Mr W Austin
Street Lighting
Mr P Howes proposed that Brixworth RDC be approached concerning the provision of street lighting in Hannington. Mr T Rowlatt seconded – carried.
War Memorial
Mr T Rowlatt proposed that Hannington War Memorial should take the form of a plaque to be placed in the Parish Church commemoration the village’s contribution to the Hospital’s War Memorial Appeal Fund. Mr W Austin seconded – carried.
Fencing for Council House Gardens
Mr N Mobbs proposed that Brixworth RDC be asked to provide fencing round the council house gardens, since the fence has been removed by the late tenant of the adjoining council property. Mr T Rowlatt seconded – carried.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.10pm.
A Parish Meeting was held on Monday 29 April 1946 at 7pm.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.
Street Lighting
The Chairman explained the provisions of the Lighting and Watching Act of 1833 as they applied to the provision of street lighting in the village. He said that the maximum rate allowable under the Local Government Act of by a parish meeting was 8d a year and that this was barely sufficient to purchase the lamps. A higher rate would be allowed by the specific authority of the Minister of Health, however, if the electors wished the Act to be adopted. The Chairman also pointed out that if electricity were brought to the village in the not to distant future, installation and maintenance of street lighting would be far cheaper than with gas. Mr T Rowlatt proposed that the Act should not at present be adopted, in view of the fact that only three ratepayers were present. Mr W Austin seconded – carried.
Victory Celebrations
The form that the Victory Celebrations should take was then discussed and it was decided to form a committee to organise the entertainment. The Committee was elected as follows:
Mr W Austin
Mrs Legge
Mr P Howes
Mr P Howes
Mrs Barritt
Mrs Legge
Mr W Austin
Mrs W Mobbs
Mrs Barritt
Mr T Rowlatt
Mr W Austin
Mrs W Mobbs
Mr P Howes
Mrs Barritt
Mr T Rowlatt
The Chairman
Mr P Lewis
The meeting decided that the Committee should report progress on 20 May at 7pm.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at7.55pm.
The Annual Parish Meeting was held, after due notice, on Monday 27 March 1947 at 7pm. The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.
The Chairman reported the refuse collection by BRDC would take place regularly on each fourth Monday, commencing 1 April.
Mr Rowlatt proposed, Mr Legge seconded that Mr WV Cross, be elected for the ensuing year – carried.
Allotment Committee
Proposed by Mr Legge, seconded by Mr Mobbs, present committee be re-elected – carried.
Rating Committee Representatives
Proposed by Mr W Mobbs, seconded by Mr Legge that the parish representatives be re-elected.
Other Business
After a discussion the Chairman was requested to communicate with the Northampton Electric Light & Power Co, with a view to bringing power to Hannington.
A further discussion took place with reference to the poor bus service through the village. The Chairman promised to communicate with the United Counties Bus Co.
A Parish Meeting was held on 6 October 1947 at 7pm. The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.
The Chairman reported that he had been in touch with the Northampton Electric Light & Power Co who said that there would be a considerable delay.
As regards the United Counties bus service, the company had been contacted with little success.
Mr Austin proposed, Mr Talbot seconded, that a letter be sent to the bus company, explaining how very inefficient was the present bus services – carried.
Mr Rowlatt proposed, Mr Hemp seconded that Brixworth RDC should have a telephone kiosk put in the village – carried.
Mr Talbot proposed, Mr Howes seconded that a letter be sent to BRDC requesting that there were two lamps in the street – carried.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.30pm.
A Parish Meeting was held on 22 December 1947 at 7.30pm. The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.
The Chairman reported that he was doing everything possible to get a telephone kiosk in the village.
The Chairman also reported that he was in communication with the East Midlands Traffic Area Commission, but nothing had yet been decided.
After the meeting had heard from the Chairman that 2 lamps in the village would cost £8-17-0, per annum – 6d in the £ on rates, it was decided that no decision would be made but another meeting would be held in three weeks time when there may be a better attendance.
A Parish Meeting was held on 12 January 1948 at 7pm. The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.
The Chairman reported that there would be a telephone kiosk placed in the village and also that he was still in communication with the East Midlands Traffic Area Commission.
Mr Stewart, Clerk to Brixworth RDC was present and explained the details of the lighting.
A vote was then taken, and by a 2/3 majority, it was decided that there be lamps in the village. Mr Talbot proposed that there be three lamps in the village. Mr C Page seconded. An amendment was proposed by Mr Rowlatt that two lamps be sufficient, Mr Austin seconded. A vote was then taken and by a 2/3 majority, it was decided to have three lamps.
Mr Talbot proposed and Mr Howes seconded, that £15, be the amount of accumulated rates, to make up for incidental expenses – carried.
The inspectors of the lighting were then elected. Mr Rowlatt proposed, Mr N Mobbs seconded that the Chairman be an inspector. Others elected: Mr W Austin, Mr C Page, Mr W Page, Mr Talbot and Mr Rowlatt.
A Parish Meeting was held on 12 April 1948 at 8pm.
Mr Rowlatt expressed thanks to the Chairman for his success in getting more buses to pass through the village.
Mr N Mobbs proposed, Mr R Mobbs seconded, that Mr Rowlatt be sent to Brixworth RDC to meet the representative of the East Midlands Traffic Area, in the hope of getting more buses through the village.
The Chairman reported that he would write once more in reference to the telephone kiosk.
Mr Austin proposed, Mr Howes seconded, that Mr Cross be re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.
The Allotment Committee was elected as follows:
Mr Howes
Mr N Mobbs
Mr Legge
Mr R Mobbs
Mr T Rowlatt
Mr Austin
Mr Cross
Mrs Addison
Mr Rowlatt
Mr Rowlatt
Mr R Mobbs
Mr N Mobbs
Mr N Mobbs
Mr Howes
Mr Addison
Mr R Mobbs
Mrs Stevens
Mr Legge
The Rating Committee was elected as follows:
Mr N Mobbs
Mr Rowlatt
Mr Howes
Miss Rowlatt
Mrs Stevens
Mr R Mobbs
Lighting Inspectors
Miss Rowlatt proposed that the same inspectors be re-elected and Mr N Mobbs seconded. Mr Rowlatt proposed that Mr Addison be added to the list of lighting inspectors. Mr Austin seconded – carried.
Other Business
Mr Austin proposed that steps be taken to provide a burial ground. Mr N Mobbs seconded – carried.
It was proposed by Mr Rowlatt and seconded by Mr R Mobbs that the County Council should be asked to invest the Parish Meeting with the powers and functions of a Parish Council, for the purposes of the burial acts – carried.
Mr Legge proposed that Mr R Mobbs be canvasser for signatures for a public house. Miss Rowlatt seconded – carried.
A Parish Meeting was held on 9 August 1948 at 7.30pm.
On the proposition of Mr C Page, seconded by Mr P Howes, Mr Rowlatt was elected Vice Chairman in the absence of Mr VW Cross, from whom apologies were received.
Mr C Page proposed that the precepts for parish expenses be signed, Mr N Mobbs seconded. The Vice Chairman promised to make all the necessary arrangements.
After long and careful consideration Mr Rowlatt proposed that Brixworth RDC be advised to inspect the orchard owned by Mr Walker, on the west side of the school lane with the view to a burial ground.
A Parish Meeting was held, after due notice, in the Schoolroom on Monday 13 September 1948.
The Vice Chairman, Mr T Rowlatt, was in the Chair and explained the difficulties he was experiencing in issuing a precept for the Gas Rate, he informed the meeting he had had to buy a Precept Book for use in connection with the Adoptive Acts, the one bought by the Chairman was useless, also in the absence of the Chairman it was necessary to have a resolution from the meeting authorising the Vice Chairman and either one of two Gas Inspectors to sign cheques. Lloyds Bank Authority 5, copy attached, to be signed by the Vice Chairman and one Gas Inspector other than the two Inspectors authorised to sign cheques. Mr Norton Mobbs proposed Mr J Addison or Mr W Page to sign cheques and Mr W Austin to sign the bank authority – carried.
A Parish Meeting was held, after due notice, in the Schoolroom on Tuesday 8 March 1949 at 7.30pm.
The Vice Chairman, Mr T Rowlatt, was in the Chair and explained that Mr VW Cross had left the village, he had resigned the Chairmanship of the meeting.
On the proposition of Mr Norton Mobbs, seconded by Mr Percy Howes, the Vice Chairman was elected Chairman.
Allotment Committee
Mr W Mobbs proposed the Committee be re-elected en bloc. Mr N Mobbs seconded – carried.
Rating Representatives
Mr N Mobbs proposed and Mr P Howes seconded that Mr T Rowlatt and Mrs W Stevens be re-elected – carried.
Gas Inspectors
Mr N Mobbs proposed the Gas Inspectors be re-elected en bloc. Mr Ray Faulkner seconded – carried.
Other Business
Mr W Austin put forward a proposition that the Allotment Committee measure his ground in the Pits Allotment, as there was no seconder, Mr Austin promised to “stamp”? it himself on the understanding the Committee would be behind him
A Parish Meeting was held, after due notice, in the Schoolroom on Monday 29 August 1949 at 7pm with Mr T Rowlatt in the Chair.
Mr T Rowlatt proposed and Mr N Mobbs seconded that the Chairman be authorised to issue the precept upon the Rating Authority – carried.
Mr LO Page proposed and Mr N Mobbs seconded that the Chairman write to the County Council surveyor complaining of the neglect of the grass verge along School Lane, Hannington – carried