

Registered Charity No. 304201 


The Village Hall is the former Schoolhouse which closed in 1931, the building passing into private ownership.  It was handed over to the villagers by way of a trust, in 1964 for their use as a social and leisure centre.

MANAGING COMMITTEE                                 

Chairman                  Debbie Jackson            

Vice Chairman          To be appointed                 

Secretary                    Paul Egleton   

Treasurer                    Ian Wilson


Other Committee Members              

Meeting Dates:           are normally 3 monthly, actual dates will be notified via the notice board.

Tote Draw:                  suspended due to Covid 19 - to be discussed in 2022.


Village Hall bookings - contact Caroline Middleton via email:  middletonlivery@btinternet.com  Telephone: 01604 781631





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See Council News

Historical MinutesNew pages for 1990-92 added
Hannington LifeJuly issue now available.
Agenda & Minutes1 July draft minutes - uploaded 2 July.
HPC Annual Report2023/24 Annual Report now available
PlanningNo current applications
2023/24AccountsDetails of 2023/24 accounts etc uploaded
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