

The church stands on raised ground in the middle of the village and in all probability is much as it was more than 700 years ago. It is almost unique in Britain, with two massive pillars in the centre of the nave supporting well proportioned high arcades. This unusual arrangement of “double-nave” probably owes something to the fact that when the church was built in the middle of the 13th century the parish was in the care of the Gilbertine monastry at Sempringham in Lincolnshire. The huge Priory church was used by nuns and monks (cannons) separated during worship by a central dividing wall running the length of the church. The first Rector of Hannington is believed to have been a Gilbertine cannon.



David Bent                  The Rectory, Lower Green, Walgrave, 
                                   Northampton NN6 9QF

Parochial Church Council

Andrew Greatrex (Secretary & Church Warden)



Church Services    
















Click for Map
Historical MinutesNew pages for 1990-92 added
Hannington LifeFebruary issue now available.
Agenda & Minutes3 Feb minutes - uploaded 4 Feb.
HPC Annual Report2023/24 Annual Report now available
Planning2025/0006 - conversion of agric building to 2 bedroom dwelling - land off Red House Lane.
2023/24AccountsDetails of 2023/24 accounts etc uploaded
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