
MINUTES 1900-09

At the Annual Meeting, held in the Schoolroom on Thursday 22 March 1900 (after due notice) at 7.30pm.

The Reverend J Creagh Coen DD in the Chair.

It was proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Turner that the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried unanimously.

At the Annual Meeting, held in the Schoolroom, at Hannington on 16 March 1901 at 7.30pm.

The Rector, the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD in the Chair.

Proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Samuel Turner that the Reverend JC Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year. 

The names of George Wentworth-Smith, William Elson Harding, William Barritt and Alfred Collins were nominated as Constables.

The Committee for Allotments - the Rector, Mr Harding, Noah Smith, Alfred Collins and Wm Barritt.

The Chairman was directed to write to the District Council with respect to the fences and the gates in the Pits.

Mr Harding, Mr Wentworth-Smith and Mr Turner were elected as Overseers.

At the Annual Meeting, held in the Schoolroom, at Hannington on 21 March 1902 at 7.30pm.

The Rector, the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD in the Chair.

Proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Samuel Turner that the Reverend JC Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried unanimously.

The Committee for Allotments were re-elected.

Messrs Thomas C Deacon, William Elson Harding, George Wentworth-Smith and William Collins were nominated as Constables.

Mr Harding, Mr Tressler, Mr G Wentworth-Smith were elected as Overseers.

Proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Wm Barritt that the meeting objects to payers for cleaning out the brook which is on private property and that the Chairman be requested to write to that effect to the District Council.

At a meeting held in the Schoolroom on 19 June 1902 at 8pm after due notice, for the purpose of considering in what manner the Parish should the approaching coronation of their majesty the King and Queen.

It was proposed by Mr George Durham, seconded by Mr William Collins that the necessary funds should be raised by subscription – carried.

Proposed by Noah Smith, seconded by Robert Green that a committee to ask for subscription and to carry out all arrangements be formed.  The Committee to be five members – carried.  Proposed that Noah Smith, George Durham, George England, Thomas Gray and Mr Harding – carried.

The Chairman was requested to write to any person likely to contribute.  It was proposed and seconded that the Chairman should be treasurer of any funds contributed – carried.

At the Annual Meeting, held in the Schoolroom, at Hannington on 20 March 1903 at 7.30pm.

The Rector, the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD in the Chair.

It was proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Samuel Turner that the Reverend John Creagh Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried.

Proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Turner that the Committee for Allotments be re-elected.  Carried.

Proposed by William Smith, seconded by Mr Tressler that Mr S Barritt be Overseer.  Carried.  Henry Smith proposed Noah Smith seconded Mr Tressler.  Carried.  Proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith seconded by Mr Barritt that Mr Harding be Overseer.  Carried.

It was proposed that the Committee for the Coronation Festivities be directed to arrange a feast for the purpose of spending the £6 in Treasurer’s hands – carried.

At a meeting held in the Schoolroom on 17 September 1903 at 8pm after due notice, for the purpose of electing a representative of the Parish Meeting on the Managing Body of Hannington Parochial School.

Present – the Rector, the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD in the Chair, the Reverend Thomas Badcock Rector of Walgrave, Messrs William Elson Harding, George Wentworth-Smith, Ephraim Barritt and Thomas Capell Deacon.

Ephraim Barritt was unanimously elected as Representative in the Managing Body.

Messrs Lacy Oliver Page and Thomas Capell Deacon were suggested as suitable persons to be appointed by the Education Committee.

At the Annual Meeting, held in the Schoolroom, at Hannington on 18 March 1904 at 8pm.

The Rector, the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD in the Chair.

It was proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr England that the Reverend Doctor Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried.

Proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr Noah Smith that Mr Elijah Smith be on the Committee for Allotments in place of Mr Harding who resigns.  Carried.

The list of Constables proposed and carried was George Wentworth-Smith, William Elson Harding, Thomas Capell Deacon and Lacy Oliver Page.

Overseers – proposed by Mr Harding, seconded by Mr G Wentworth-Smith that Mr Ephraim Barritt be overseer.  Proposed by GW Smith seconded by Mr England that Mr Harding be overseer.  Proposed by Mr England, seconded by Mr GW Smith that Mr Page be overseer.  Carried.

At a meeting held in the Schoolroom on Friday 22 April 1904 at 8pm after due notice, for the purpose of electing a representative of the Parish Meeting on the Managing Body of Hannington Parochial School and for suggesting the names of suitable persons from whom the Education Committee might appoint..

Present – the Rector, the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD in the Chair, Messrs George Wentworth-Smith, Ephraim Barritt.

Proposed by Mr Capell Deacon, seconded by Mr William Barritt that Mr Noah Smith be parish representative, by Mr Noah Smith seconded by Mr England that Mr Ephraim Barritt be representative. There being 5 votes for Mr Noah Smith and 7 for Mr Barritt, Mr Barritt was declared duly elected.

Mr D??? proposed by Mr Harley seconded by Mr Capell Deacon.

Mr Ephraim Barritt proposed by Mr Capell Deacon seconded by Mr William Barritt.

Mr Page proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith seconded By Mr England.

At a meeting, held in the Schoolroom, on 2 March 1905 at 7.30pm.

Present - the Reverend J Creagh Coen, Chairman, Messrs Ephraim Barritt, Page, Mabbutt, GW Smith , Noah Smith and George England.

Proposed by Mr Ephraim Barritt, seconded by Mr W Page that the Mr GW Smith be nominated - carried.

Proposed by Mr Noah Smith, seconded by Mr E Barritt that the Mr Page be nominated - carried.

Proposed by Mr GW Smith, seconded by Mr Page that the Mr E Barritt be nominated - carried.

Viz – George Wentworth-Smith, Oliver Lacy Page, Ephraim Barritt.

At the annual meeting held in the Schoolroom on 16 March 1905 at 8pm.

Present –the Reverend J Creagh Coen DD, Chairman, Messrs Turner, Wentworth-Smith, Page, Noah Smith, England, Mabbutt, Ephraim Barritt.

Proposed and seconded that the Rev Doctor Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried.

Proposed and seconded that Mr Ephraim Barritt be representative of the parish on the Education Committee – carried.

Proposed by Mr Mabbutt and seconded by Mr GW Smith that Mr Ephraim Barritt be overseer – carried.

By Mr Page, seconded by Mr Ephraim Barritt that Mr GW Smith be overseer – carried.

By Mr Noah Smith, seconded by Mr England that Mr Harding be overseer – carried.

Proposed that the same Allotment Committee be elected – carried – namely the Rector, Mr William Barritt, Mr Elijah Smith, Mr Noah Smith, Mr Alfred Collins.

At the annual meeting held in the Schoolroom on 24 March 1906 at 8pm.

Present –the Reverend J Creagh Coen DD, in the Chair, Messrs Harding, GW Smith, E Barritt, L Page and England.

It was proposed and carried that the Rev J Creagh Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.

Proposed by Mr Harding and seconded by Mr Page that Mr George Wentworth-Smith be overseer – carried.

Proposed by Mr Page, seconded by Mr GW Smith that Mr E Barritt be overseer – carried.

By Mr Barritt, seconded by Mr GW Smith that Mr Harding be overseer – carried.

Proposed by Mr GW Smith, seconded by Mr Page that the same Allotment Committee be elected – carried.

At the annual meeting held in the Schoolroom on 8 March 1907 at 8pm.

Present –the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD, in the Chair, Messrs William Smith, Meadows, Page, George Wentworth-Smith, W Elson Harding, Noah Smith, Ephraim Barritt.

It was proposed and carried that the Reverend J Creagh Coen DD be Chairman for the ensuing year.

The following were proposed and seconded to be Constables – George Wentworth-Smith, Oliver Lacey Page, Noah Smith – carried.

Proposed by Mr Noah Smith, seconded by Mr G Wentworth-Smith that Mr Harding be overseer – carried.

Proposed by Mr OL Page, seconded by Mr William Smith that Mr Meadows be overseer – carried.

Proposed by Mr Ephraim Barritt, seconded by Mr G Wentworth-Smith that Mr Page be overseer – carried.

Proposed and seconded that the same Allotment Committee be elected – carried.

At a meeting held in the Schoolroom on 20 August 1907 at 8pm.

Present –the Reverend J Creagh Coen DD, in the Chair, Messrs G Wentworth-Smith, Page, Meadows, England, W Smith, Barritt and others.

Proposed by Mr Meadows, seconded by Mr England that Mr Thomas Mabbutt be representative manager – carried.

The following names were suggested for the appointment by the Education Committee to act on the body of Managers – Lacey Oliver Page, Alfred Barritt.

It was further resolved to nominate John Creagh Coen DD Rector of Hannington to act on the District Sub Committee together with the County Council Representative manager.  The Chairman was directed to reply to the Clerk of the County Council that there is a demand for further land but that the meeting is unable to say what land is available.

The Chairman was directed to write to the Post Master General pressing the claims of the parish for improved telegraphic arrangements.
At the annual meeting held in the Schoolroom on 14 February 1908 at 8pm, after due notice.

Present – Messrs G Wentworth- Smith, WE Harding, E Barritt, Meadows, N Smith, England.

Mr WE Harding proposed and Mr E Barritt seconded that Mr G Wentworth-Smith be Chairman.  Carried.

The Rev J Creagh Coen DD was proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith and seconded by Mr WE Harding to be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried.

Constables nominated were – George Wentworth-Smith, William E Harding, O Lacey Page and N Smith.

Mr G Wentworth-Smith proposed and G England seconded that Mr WE Harding be overseer – carried.

WE Harding proposed and N Smith seconded that Mr Meadows be overseer – carried.

Mr G Wentworth-Smith proposed and Mr Meadows seconded that Mr E Barritt be overseer – carried.

Mr G Wentworth-Smith proposed and Mr WE Harding seconded that the same Committee act as usual for allotments – carried.

At a meeting held in the Schoolroom on 11 May 1908 about small holdings as allotments.

Present – Messrs GW Smith, T Mabbutt, W Collins, N Smith, E Smith, J Jones, F Meadows, G England.

There was no application for land.

At the annual meeting held in the Schoolroom, on 12 March 1909 at 8pm, the Reverend John Creagh Coen in the Chair – owing to insufficient notice having been given the meeting was adjourned to Friday 19th.

At the annual meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on Friday 20 March 1909 at 7pm, the Reverend John Creagh Coen in the Chair.

Proposed by Mr GW Smith, seconded  Mr William Smith that the Reverend  Dr Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried.

Parish Constables
Messrs Oliver Lacy Page, George Wentworth-Smith and Noah Smith were nominated as Constables.

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr Harding Mr William Smith Mr Page
Mr Page Mr Meadows Mr Harry Smith
Mr George Wentworth-Smith Mr Noah Smith Mr E Barritt

It was proposed by Mr Mabbutt and seconded by Mr England that the same Allotment Committee continue in office– carried.

The Chairman was directed to write to Mr Thornton respecting bridge on foot track in Wakelands.

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