
MINUTES 1910-19

At the annual meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on Tuesday 22 March 1910, the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD in the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

It was proposed by Mr GW Smith, seconded by Mr Noah Smith that Dr Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Carried.

Parish Constables
Name Proposed Seconded
Mr Noah Smith Mr OL Page Mr GW Smith
Mr William Smith None given None given
Mr George Wentworth-Smith Mr Meadows Mr N Smith

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr GW Smith Mr Page Mr Meadows
Mr Harding Mr Mabbutt Mr Noah Smith
Mr Page Mr GW Smith Mr Mabbutt

Proposed by Mr Noah Smith, seconded by Mr Mabbutt that Mr OL Page be Representative Manager of the Hannington Schools Committee – carried.  Also it was suggested that the names of Messrs Thomas Mabbutt and Frederick Meadows be laid before the Education Committee.

Proposed by Mr Noah Smith, seconded by Mr Meadows that the Chairman be elected to act on the District Sub-Committee

Proposed by Mr Harding, seconded by Mr Page that Mr Meadows be on the Allotment Committee in place on Mr Alfred Collins.

Mr Harding stated that the bridge alluded to at the last meeting had been repaired.

At the annual meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on Friday 24 March 1911, at 8 o’clock in the evening, the Reverend John Creagh Coen DD, Rector of Hannington in the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

Proposed by Mr GW Smith, seconded by Mr Ephraim Barritt that the Rev Dr Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year.

Parish Constables
Proposed by Mr Page, seconded by Mr Ephraim Barritt that Mr Sharman be Parish Constable – carried.  Also were proposed, seconded and carried – Mr Ephraim Barritt, Mr Noah Smith and Mr G Wentworth-Smith.

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr Page Mr Norton Mobbs Mr G Wentworth-Smith
Mr Harding Mr G Wentworth-Smith Mr John Sharman
Mr Ephraim Barritt Mr Page Mr G Wentworth-Smith

Agreed that same Committee be in power for Allotments.

At a Parish Meeting held, after due notice, on Tuesday 9 May 1911, at the Schoolroom at 8pm to discuss the subject of Parish Festivities on the occasion of his most gracious Majesty’s coronation and that of Queen Mary - the Reverend J Creagh Coen DD, in the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

It was proposed by Mr G Wentworth-Smith, seconded by Mr T Mabbutt that the festivities should include a dinner for all the men, women and children in the parish – carried.  Dr Coen, Mr Mabbutt, Mr Page, Mr Harding, Mr Meadows, Mr G Wentworth-Smith, Mr Noah Smith, Mr Ephraim Barritt to be the Committee for collecting subscriptions and carrying out the festivities.

At a Parish Meeting held, after due notice, on Friday 22 March 1912, at the Schoolroom at 8 pm, the Reverend J Creagh Coen DD, Rector of Hannington in the Chair.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

Proposed by Mr GW Smith, seconded by Mr Page that the Dr Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year. Carried.

Parish Constables
It was proposed by Mr Mabbutt, seconded by Mr Harding that Mr G Wentworth-Smith be Parish Constable – carried.  Mr Thomas Gray – carried.  Noah Smith – carried.

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr Page Mr Norton Mobbs Mr Thomas Gray
Mr Harding Mr G Wentworth-Smith Mr ??????
Mr G Wentworth-Smith Mr Page Mr Meadows

It was decided that same Committee be appointed for the Allotments.

Proposed that it should be represented to the District that general dissatisfaction ????? as to the way the Mortar Pits are let, ???? 4 1/2  per pole ( 4/-  per lot to Durham,  1/- ??? piece)

At a Parish Meeting held, in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on 26 March 1913, at 8 pm, the following business was transacted.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

It was proposed by Mr G Smith and seconded by Mr W Smith that the Rev Dr Creagh Coen be Chairman for the ensuing year and carried.

It was proposed by N Mobbs and  seconded by G Smith that following names be sent in as Constables – GW Smith, LO Page, John Sharman and TW Mabbutt – carried.

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr LO Page N Mobbs W Smith
Mr WE Harding Mr Smith Mr Mabbutt
Mr Thomas Rowlatt  Mr Meadows Mr LO Page

General dissatisfaction was expressed about the way the Mortar Pits are let and rent charged and that Mr Smith calls the attention of the Rural District Council to the way the rents are collected.

At a Parish Meeting held, in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on 23 March 1914, at 8 pm, the following business was transacted.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by N Smith and seconded by W Smith that Mr GW Smith be Chairman for the ensuing year – carried unanimously.

It was proposed by N Smith and  seconded by N Mobbs that following names be sent in as Constables – Thomas William Mabbutt, Noah Smith, Lacy O Page and GW Smith – carried.

It was proposed by GW Smith that WE Harding, Lacy Oliver Page and Thomas Rowlatt be the overseers – carried unanimously.

Allotment Committee
Mr England proposed LO Page, Mr Smith proposed Mr T Rowlatt.  Mr Rowlatt proposed TF Meadows.  Mr Mabbutt proposed N Smith, Mr GW Smith.

At a Parish Meeting held, in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on 20 March 1915, at 7 pm, the following business was transacted.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by N Mobbs and seconded by N Smith that Mr GW Smith be Chairman for the ensuing year and carried unanimously.

It was proposed by N Smith and  seconded by N Mobbs that following names be sent in as Constables – Thomas W Mabbutt, Noah Smith, Lacy O Page and GW Smith – carried.

It was proposed by N Smith and seconded by F Meadows that LO Page, T Rowlatt and W Harding be the overseers.

Allotment Committee
It was proposed by N Mobbs and seconded F Meadows that the same stand, namely LO Page, T Rowlatt, F Meadow, N Smtih, GW Smith.

At a Parish Meeting held, in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on 27 March 1916, at 7.30 pm, the following business was transacted.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr LO Page and seconded by T Mabbutt that Mr GW Smith be Chairman for the ensuing year - carried unanimously.

It was proposed by Mr WE Harding and seconded by Mr LO Page that following names be sent in as Constables – N Smith, T Mabbutt, LO Page.

It was proposed by F Meadows and seconded by N Smith that the following be approved overseers - LO Page, T Rowlatt and WE Harding.

Allotment Committee
It was proposed by N Mobbs and seconded F Meadows the same stand, Messrs F Meadows, LO Page, T Rowlatt, N Smith, GW Smith.

At a Parish Meeting held, in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on 19 March 1917, at 8 pm, the following business was transacted.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr LO Page and seconded by T Mabbutt that Mr GW Smith be Chairman for the ensuing year - carried unanimously.

The following names to be sent in. Mr LO Page, Mr T Mabbutt and Mr N Smith.

It was proposed by F Meadows and seconded by N Smith that the following be approved overseers - LO Page, T Rowlatt and WE Harding.

Allotment Committee
It was proposed by N Mobbs and seconded F Meadows that the same stand viz Messrs LO Page, GW Smith, T Rowlatt, T Mabbutt and F Meadows.

At a Parish Meeting held, in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on 19 March 1918, at 7.30 pm, the following business was transacted.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr LO Page, seconded by Mr Mabbutt that Mr GW Smith be Chairman for the ensuing year - carried unanimously.

The following names to be sent in – William Barritt, Thomas Mabbutt, N Smith.

It was proposed by Rev R Lorby and seconded by Mr Mabbutt that the following be appointed overseers - LO Page, T Rowlatt and WE Harding.

Allotment Committee
It was proposed by Mr Meadows, seconded Mr Mabbutt that the same stand viz Messrs LO Page, GW Smith, T Rowlatt, T Mabbutt and F Meadows.

At a Parish Meeting held, in the Schoolroom, after due notice, on 20 March 1919, at 7 pm, the following business was transacted.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr LO Page, seconded by Mr T Rowlatt that Mr GW Smith be Chairman for the ensuing year - carried unanimously.

The following names to be sent in – William Barritt, Noah Smith, Thomas Mabbutt.

It was proposed by Mr Mobbs, seconded by Mr Meadows that the following be appointed overseers - T Rowlatt, LO Page, GW Smith.

Allotment Committee
It was proposed by Mr Mobbs, seconded Mr Meadows the following be appointed -  LO Page, GW Smith, T Rowlatt, T Mabbutt and F Meadows.

Foundation Managers – Rev R Lorby, GW Smith, T Rowlatt.
School Managers – Mrs M Mabbutt, Mrs E Meadows.

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