
MINUTES 1920-29


The Annual Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice on 29 March 1920 at 7pm.

The following business was transacted.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr LC Page, seconded by Mr N Smith that Mr GW Smith be Chairman for the ensuing year – carried unanimously.

The following names to be sent in – Thos W Mabbutt, W Barritt, LC Page.

It was proposed by Mr T Mabbutt, seconded by Mr F Meadows that the following be appointed overseers:- T Rowlatt, LC Page, GW Smith

Allotment Committee
Proposed by Mr Mobbs seconded by Mr F Meadows the following be appointed – LC Page, GW Smith, T Rowlatt, T Mabbutt, F Meadows.

At a Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice on 19 March 1921 at 7pm.

The following business was transacted.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr LC Page, seconded by Mr Mabbutt that Mr GW Smith be Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.

The following names to be sent in – LC Page, T Mabbutt, W Barritt.

The following were appointed:- LC Page, GW Smith, T Rowlatt

Allotment Committee
The following were appointed – LC Page, GW Smith, T Rowlatt, T Mabbutt, F Meadows.

At a Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice on 23 March 1922 at 7.30pm.

The following business was transacted. 

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr LC Page, seconded by Mr T Rowlatt that Mr GW Smith be Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.

The following names to be sent in – LC Page, T Mabbutt, C Smith.

The following were appointed:- GW Smith, LC Page, T Rowlatt

Allotment Committee
The following were appointed – LC Page, GW Smith, T Rowlatt, C Smith, F Meadows.

At a Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice on 23 March 1924 at 7.30pm.

The following business was transacted. 

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr LC Page and seconded by Mr GW Smith that Mr T Rowlatt be Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.

The following names to be sent in – C Smith, T Mabbutt, LC Page.

The following were appointed :- GW Smith, LC Page, T Rowlatt

Allotment Committee
The following were appointed – GW Smith, LC Page, T Rowlatt, C Smith.  Mr T Mabbutt proposed and Mr LC Page seconded that Mr AV Hemp should take the place of Mr F Meadows.  Carried.

At a Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice on 11 November 1924 at 7.30pm.

To decide what to do with land vacant in Tomblins Close.

All vacant land was let on conditions the Committee cut the hedges and cleaned the dyke adjoining Mr LC Page’s land.  Mr Smith proposed the Chairman to write to Mrs Badcock and ask her to repair bridge.  Mr LC Page seconded.  Carried.

At a Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice on 17 March 1925 at 7pm.

The following business was transacted. 

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr GW Smith and seconded by Mr N Smith that Mr T Rowlatt be Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.

The following names to be sent in – Mr C Smith, Mr T Mabbutt, Mr LC Page.

The following were appointed:- GW Smith, LC Page, T Rowlatt

Allotment Committee
The following were appointed –GW Smith, LC Page, C Smith, AV Hemp, T Rowlatt, with the addition of F Beasley proposed by Mr N Smith and seconded by Mr T Mabbutt.  Carried.

Foundation managers :- Mr GW Smith and Mr T Rowlatt.
School managers – Mr GW Smith proposed and Mr N Smith seconded that Mrs M Mabbutt and Mr C Smith proposed seconded by Mr N Smith that Mrs GW Smith be appointed.  Carried.

At a Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice was given on 16 March 1926 at 7.30pm.

The following business was transacted:- the minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr GW Smith and seconded by Mr W Page that the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite be Chairman for the ensuing year – carried.

Mr W Smith proposed and Mr G Rogers seconded that the following names be sent in:- Mr C Smith, Mr T Mabbutt and Mr LO Page.  Carried

Mr C Smith proposed and Mr W Page seconded that Mr GW Smith, Mr LO Page and Mr T Mabbutt  be appointed for the ensuing year.  Carried

Allotment Committee
Mr C Barritt proposed and Mr H Mabbutt seconded that GW Smith, LO Page, T Rowlatt, C Smith, AV Hemp and F Beasley be re-appointed, and Mr GW Smith proposed and Mr C Smith seconded that the Rector be nominated also. Carried.

Mr LO Page proposed and Mr C Smith seconded that Mr GW Smith request the District Council to cut and lay the sand pits’ hedge.  After a discussion this was carried.

A discussion took place about the bridge in Tomblin’s Close.  Several tenants threatened to withhold payment of rent until Mrs Badcock repair the bridge.  Mr T Rowlatt proposes and Mr F Beasley seconded that the Chairman be requested to see Mrs Badcock as soon as possible.  Carried.

At a Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice was given on 18 May 1926 at 7pm, to elect an assistant overseer for the Parish. The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

It was proposed by Mr GW Smith and seconded by Mr LO Page that Mr Norton be assistant overseer at a salary of £7-10-0 pa for the present year.  Carried.

At a Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, after due notice was given on 20 September 1926 at 8pm after due notice, the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite in the Chair to elect two parishioners as Representatives on the Rating Committee of the Rural District Council.  The Chairman read a letter from Mr H Kingston, Clerk to the District Council, suggesting two of the present Overseers would be most suitable gentleman to act on the Committee.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

The Rev’d CW Thistlewaite proposed Messrs LO Page and T Rowlatt be appointed to act on the Rating Committee.  Mr Mabbutt senior seconded.  On being put to the meeting it was carried.

At a Parish Meeting held in the Schoolroom, on 31 March 1927 at 7pm after due notice with the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite in the Chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

Mr G Wentworth- Smith proposed the Rector be again Chairman for the ensuing year.  Mr Norton Mobbs seconded. Carried.

Mr T Rowlatt proposed the same names be sent in viz Mr C Smith, Mr T Mabbutt and Mr LO Page.  Mrs Mabbutt seconded.  Carried

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr G Wentworth-Smith The Chairman Mrs Mabbutt
Mr T Rowlatt Mr J Barritt Mr Norton Mobbs
Mr LO Page Mrs Mabbutt Mr GW Smith

Allotment Committee
Name Proposed Seconded
Mr Norton Mobbs Mr A Barritt Mr T Rowlatt
Mr W Harley Mr AV Hemp Mr J Barritt
Mr T Rowlatt Mr Norton Mobbs The Chairman
Mr G Wentworth-Smith Mr A Barritt Mr AV Hemp
The Chairman is also to act on the Committee.

A discussion followed over the Pits hedge, Mr G Wentworth-Smith reported the Brixworth RDC decided it was up to the tenants to cut the hedge themselves.

Mr T Rowlatt proposed the following resolution be sent to the Council and that Mr G Wentworth-Smith be requested to deliver it to the proper authorities.

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom, on 24 October 1927 at 7pm after due notice with the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite in the Chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

Mr GW Smith reported the Surveyor had promised to meet him at the “Pits” to decide whether the Council cut the hedge but the Surveyor had failed to keep his promise.  Mr Norton Mobbs proposed and Mr LC Page seconded that Mr GW Smith make another appointment with the Surveyor.  Carried

The Secretary explained the position of the Committee with regard to Tomblins Close.  After a very long discussion Mr T Rowlatt proposed the land be kept on but the rent to total £7-15-0 every half year.  Mr GW Smith seconded.  Mr C Smith proposed an amendment to give up the land, which was not seconded and no-one would vote on the proposition.  After some considerable time the Chirman declared the meeting closed.

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom, on 1 November 1927 at 7pm after due notice, the following gentlemen being present Messrs J Barritt, C Smith, AV Hemp, C Barritt, LC Page, together with the Allotment Committee, GW Smith, W Harley, N Mobbs, T Rowlatt, with the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite in the Chair.  The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

The Chairman explained to the Meeting that the Allotment Committee had met again and decided to recommend the meeting to give notice at once to Mrs Badcock for Tomblins Close, he therefore proposed notice be sent to Mrs Badcock at once, explaining he was only doing so to test the feeling of the Meeting.  Mr GW Smith seconded.

Mr LC Page then offered to take the land vacated by Mr AV Hemp, Mr C Smith offered to keep on with his land.  Mr T Rowlatt proposed the Chairman be allowed to withdraw his proposition, Mr LC Page seconded.  Carried.

Mr LC Page proposed Mrs Badcock be asked to cut the trees down in the hedge adjoining his land, the Chairman seconded.  Carried.

The Chairman proposed Mr GW Smith and Mr LC Page write and ask Mrs Badcock to see them, Mr C Smith seconded.  Carried.

Mr GW smith reported he had not yet met the Surveyor re the “Pits” hedge.
At a Parish Meeting was held on 1 March 1928 in the Schoolroom at 7pm after due notice.  The minutes of the last meeting were read.  Mr GW Smith reported he had met with the Surveyor re the “Pits” hedge and he (the Surveyor) had promised to communicate with the Chairman, which he had failed to do so, the Secretary was instructed to write to the Surveyor an ask him for his decision.  Mr GW Smith also reported neither he nor Mr LC Page had seen Mrs Badcock re the trees in Tomblins Close.  The Chairman signed the minutes of the last meeting.

Mr T Rowlatt proposed the Rector, the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite be Chairman for the ensuing year.  Mr C Smith seconded. Carried.

The Chairman proposed Mr T Rowlatt be Secretary for the ensuing year.  Mr NG Smith seconded.  Carried.

Mr Norton Mobbs proposed the same names be sent in viz Mr C Smith, Mr T Mabbutt and Mr LO Page.  The Chairman seconded.  Carried

The Chairman proposed Messrs GW Smith, LC Page and T Rowlatt be again elected as Overseers.  Mr Norton Mobbs seconded.  Carried.

Allotment Committee
All the members of last year’s Committee refused to be re-elected again. 

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr LC Page The Chairman Mr Noah Smith
Mr F Beasley Mr Noah Smith Mr W Harley
Mr C Smith Mr W Harley The Secretary
Mr JJ Black The Secretary Mr AV Hemp

The Secretary was instructed to write and inform these gentlemen of their election to the Allotment Committee.

School Managers
The Chairman proposed Mr GW Smith be elected a School Manager for another period of three years, Mr C Smith seconded.  Carried. 
Mr C Smith proposed Mrs M Mabbutt be also re-elected, Mr Norton Mobbs seconded.  Carried.
Mr Noah Smith proposed Mr GW Smith be Representative on Managing Body for Hannington Parochial School, Mr AV Hemp seconded.  Carried.

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Monday 24 September 1928 at 6.30pm after due notice.  The minutes on the last meeting were read and duly signed.

A letter was read from the District Auditor re Parish Accounts.  After a discussion it was resolved that Mr GW Smith ask Mr Kingston’s advice over Tomblins Close account. 

The Chairman put it to the meeting whether Tomblins Close be kept on or not.  After a discussion Mr F Beasley offered to take the land given up by Mr C Barritt also the ½ acre by the hedge providing he could have it (the ½ acre by the hedge) 12 month’s rent free.  The Chairman proposed Tomblins Close be kept on, Mr GW Smith seconded.  Carried.

A Parish Meeting was held in the Schoolroom after due notice on Tuesday 12 March 1929 at 7.30pm. The minutes of the last meeting were read and duly signed.

Mr T Rowlatt proposed the Rev’d CW Thistlewaite be again elected to the Chair.  Mr Priestley seconded. Carried.

The Chairman proposed Mr T Rowlatt be again elected.  Mr C Smith seconded.  Carried.

The Chairman proposed the same names (Mr C Smith, Mr LC Page and Mr T Mabbutt) be sent in.  Mr Priestley seconded.  Carried

Allotment Committee
All the members of last year’s Committee refused to be re-elected again. 

Name Proposed Seconded
Mr C Smith The Chairman Mr T Rowlatt
Mr LC Page Mr T Rowlatt The Chairman
Mr T Rowlatt The Chairman Mr C Smith
Mr AV Hemp Mr C Smith Mr Priestley
Mr Priestley Mr T Rowlatt Mr C Smith
Mr N Mobbs The Chairman Mr Priestley

The Chairman proposed that no Overseers be elected and the Allotment Committee to deal with Tomlins Close and all Parish lands.  Mr Priestley seconded.  Carried.

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